Avalokitesvara statue with Mt. Adams in the background

Namo Sakyamuni Buddha! Honorable Guests: Graced with the blessings from the Triple Jewels, the safeguard from the Dharma Protectors, the support, the encouragement and the contributions from the communities of Buddhists and friends in Houston and all over the world, the Vietnam Buddhist Center (VNBC) finally has a new Buddha Hall and new Sangha

Zoom link for all services


Saturday Service/Meditation

8:30 a.m. Check-in and 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. service.
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Volunteer Day – Grounds Cleanup

1st Saturday of the month after morning service, ~10:30 a.m. (June – September)

Monday, Wednesday, Friday Meditation

5:30-6:30 p.m.
Get text reminder:  Mon, Wed, Fri

Monday – Friday Morning Meditations

6:00 a.m. – 7:30 a.m.
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Tuesday Meditation Service in Hood River

Noon at Trinity Natural Medicine  See Details  

Thích Nhất Hạnh Study Group

2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
(for info about the study group , contact Bonnie at bon2626wit@att.net.)

Buu – Hung Buddhist Monastery

Meditation Practice & Dharma Talk
17808 NE 18th St, Vancouver, WA 98684. Tel: (203) 433-2296
The last Sunday of each month 2:00 pm.-3:00 pm (Please confirm schedule at buuhung.com)

Địa Tạng statue’s travel from Vietnam to Trout Lake.

Địa Tạng statue’s dedication ceremony.

Learn about our efforts to build a new temple and how you can help.

(Watch Video)

$100,000 matching grant. Make your money work twice as hard.

A donor has offered $100,000 towards matching grants. All donations will be matched 1:1 until the $100,000 runs out.  So that means, if you donate $100, that’s like donating $200.  If you donate $100,000 that’s like donating $200,000.  If you donate $3,000,000 that’s like donating three million one-hundred thousand dollars.  

If you are at risk of having contracted Covid-19, please attend our events via Zoom instead of in-person. Please read these four screening questions. CLICK HERE

The Mount Adams Thien Buddhist Temple is a small country temple with both Northern & Southern Chan (Thien) traditions. 

Our Mission:

Our mission is to work towards the cessation of suffering by providing Meditation and Dharma (the teachings) education and support for our community.

Our Sangha (fellowship):

We are a mixture of individuals with many different religions who choose to practice meditation and follow the Dharma. The Mount Adams Zen Buddhist Temple is a small country temple in the Thien tradition of Vietnam and the Chan tradition of China.

Our Temple:

 LogoBright -NWDA

We are happy to be a member of the Northwest Dharma Association and encourage you to consider joining.

May you be well;

May you be happy;

May you know love;

May you know peace.







Cầu mong bạn khỏe mạnh;

Chúc bạn hạnh phúc;

Có thể bạn biết tình yêu;

Cầu mong bạn biết bình an.


Que estés bien;

Puede que seas feliz;

Que sepas amor;

Que sepas paz.


Нехай вам буде добре;

Нехай ти будеш щасливим;

Щоб ти знав кохання;

Щоб ти знав мир.
