Vesak Celebration 2024

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We will honor Vesak, which is a Buddhist holiday in our Mahayana tradition.  Our Ceremony will commemorate the Life Story of the Buddha – including his birth, enlightenment, teaching and death over 2,500 years ago.  As part of the ceremony, we will bring the story to life with a “bathing of the baby buddha” with flowers and water.   

Vesak, also known as Buddha Jayanti, Buddha Purnima, Buddha Day, is a holiday traditionally observed by Buddhists in South Asia and Southeast Asia, as well as Tibet and Mongolia. It is the most important Buddhist festival. Wikipedia


The Mount Adams Buddhist Temple will be open to Sangha members and their guests for a Special Event honoring the Life of the Buddha. The Retreat will be conducted by resident abbot Venerable Kozen.    Please bring your own meals and beverages.