Trinity Sanga

Mt. Adams Zen Buddhist Temple 46 Stoller Rd, Trout Lake, WA

A one day practicum of sitting and walking meditation and metta (loving kindness) practices. Weather permitting we’ll be walking the labyrinth


Mt. Adams Zen Buddhist Temple 46 Stoller Rd, Trout Lake, WA

VIETNAMESE FAMILY CAMPING RETREAT with Thay Vinh MinhA week-long camping adventure with education, Buddhist lectures, rafting, and family life. Khoá Tu Mùa Hè 2019 - Sẽ diễn ra từ 22 - 27 tháng 7 tại Tuyết Sơn Thiền Tự.

Ulambana Buddhist Celebration

Mt. Adams Zen Buddhist Temple 46 Stoller Rd, Trout Lake, WA

This is the day when the monastics complete their Rains Retreat. It was considered that many monastics would have made progress during their retreat and therefore become a greater field of merit. Lay devotees make offerings on behalf of their ancestors and dedicate the merit towards those suffering in the preta realm to relieve their suffering. Join us for morning Temple at 9:00 am and potluck lunch to follow.