Kozen History Photos
Ruth Fuller Sasaki
The first person to confirm that Kozen was A Zen Buddhist and instructed him in Zazen
in the Rinzai Tradition.
Nanrei Kabori Roshi
Gave Kozen his first Koan and invited him to study in Japan
Suda Roshi
Japanese Master in southern Japan where Kozen lived and trained at his temple.
Kozen as a New Monk At Daitokuji
Matsuoka Roshi
American Master who Kozen studies with for many years. Kozen was the assistant administration of the Long Beach Zen center for 5 years.
Saito Roshi
Saito Roshi renewed Kozen’s Soto Shu ordination
Thich An Giao
Vietnamese Zen Tradition Master who ordained Kozen in the Vietnamese Zen School
Desert Zen Center Retreat
Zen Buddhist Saying:
“Normally, we do not so much look at things as overlook them” — Alan Watts