Matsuoka Roshi Disciple Gathering
Deshi Kaigou
A very special gathering was held on August 10th – 12th. First and second generation Matsuoka Roshi disciples met at the AZSZC in Tucson Arizona.
We had priests from California, Arizona, Georgia, and New Mexico. Next year’s meeting will be at the Atlanta Soto Zen Center.
It was a wonderful event with lots of sharing. Many of us had never met. Some of us had not seen each other in 20+ years.
Agenda Items
- Informal Memorial Service for Matsuoka Roshi
- Meet and greet of all disciples and update on their current activities
- Celebration of another new Zen temple under Matsuoka Roshi’s Lineage
- Each disciple will be interviewed for a record of their memories of training with Matsuoka Roshi
- One evening out at a local restaurant
- Daily Zen practice